How to Spot FAKE Vlone Hoodies and Tees in 2023

Providing you the fastest and easiest guide on how to spot the real vs fake Vlone Hoodies and Tees. There are a lot of collab/design for these brand, however we can prefer to make it more simpler for people and understand what to look for when checking the real vs fake VLONE Hoodies and Tees.
"We're creating a reliable and up-to-date guide for authenticating sneakers, streetwear, and luxury items. Our team of experts use multiple references during the authentication process for the most accurate results."
- Dype Team
Here's How You Can Legit Check This Item
Neck Tags

1. Hoodie Neck tag
I have denoted the essential things to check the real vs fake on these neck tags.
Checking the font, denoted in the yellow rectangle the real/legit/authentic hoodie neck tag font is smaller and less bold with narrow gap spacing, however on the fake or replica prints gap spacing is more spaced and letters are larger and bold when compared side by side.
Another thing to mention here is the texture for the real/legit/authentic hoodie neck tag texture is matte in finish, however, the fake or replica texture is shiny.

2. Tees Neck tag
We can say that both tags for Hoodies are pretty much the same, however, it's better for us also to check some differences between the real vs fake VLONE Hoodies and Tees.
Checking now the VLONE Tees neck tags, the real/legit/authentic tee neck tags texture is thicker and more defined, unlike the fake/replica VLONE tees neck tags are thinner in structure.
Checking the font differences for both Tees, we can see some differences here. The real/legit/authentic VLONE Tees neck tag spacing is closer and the letterings are smaller, unlike the replica/fake VLONE tees letters are bolder and gap spacing is more obvious.
Stitching patterns for these tags are also different, the real/authentic/legit neck tag VLONE stitching is more compact with thicker threads, unlike the fake/replica VLONE neck tag stitching density is lesser and threads are barely seen.

3. Older released Neck tags
Another neck tag comparison for you to check which one is the real or fake VLONE tee neck tag.
See the red arrow for the fake or replica neck tag got that size XL is already a quick giveaway fake, when compared with the real, authentic, and legit VLONE neck tags doesn't have those size labels beside that VLONE tag.
Note that the font for the real, authentic, or legit labels is crisp when compared with the replica or fakes, letters are jagged.
Wash Tags

Moving on with the VLONE tags, let's now check those wash tags. The real, authentic or legit is always denoted in yellow shapes and arrows. Replica or fake are always denoted in red.
Starting off with the stitching for the wash tags, we can see some differences here. On the real/legit/authentic wash tag, stitching is again more compact and spacings are less. However, on the fake or replica VLONE wash tag stitching quality is less and the density is not like on the authentic VLONE wash tags.
Checking the embroidery on the USA flag(denoted in arrows), we can say that the embroidery for the real or legit VLONE wash tag is again tighter, unlike on the fake or replica embroidery is loose.
Details on that wash tag with that printed V, it is important to note that there's always a spacing beneath that letter V for the real, authentic or legit VLONE. However, for the fake or replica see how sloppy it was folded and spacing is completely absent.
Slight font boldness for the replica or fakes is observed when compared with the authentic or real wash tag prints are less bold.

3-point check FRIENDS print.
1. The real, authentic, or legit denoted in yellow arrows, pointing out the lettering spacing again should be narrower, meanwhile on fake or replica FRIENDS gap spacing is wider.
2. The real, authentic, or legit font esp. on that S is more defined when compared with how that S loop and space inside that loop got more space. However, on replicas or fakes, the font seems to be more cramped when it comes to that S loop spacing.
3. Common flaw we've seen is this Dash after friends. On the real, legit, or authentic this dash is shorter. Meanwhile, on replicas or fakes, this dash is longer.
V Print

Denoted in the yellow line is the real, legit, and authentic VLONE print, notice is slightly placed higher when compared with the fakes or replicas, perforation design is placed lower.

The real, authentic, or legit V print is more vibrant and rich in color compared with the fakes or replicas, color is paler in color.

Checking the Legend V Lone prints for this design. The real, authentic, or legit print is more vibrant or rich in color when compared with the replica or fake the color is pale and the outline looks thinner.
Front Vlone Palm Angels

Moving on with the Iconic Vlone Palm Angels collab, the real authentic or legit V purple print is rich in color or much more vibrant when compared with fakes or replicas again are pale and the finish is not as crisp as real VLONE prints.